1. Royal Palace
The center of the Amazon matriarchy, the Royal Palace at the heart of the Capital Mall was constructed from the finest marble.

2. Senate Chamber
Through Queen Hippolyta was the first arbiter of Themysciran law, the Senate allowed every Amazon a voice in the governing of the immortal sisterhood amid the hallowed Halls of Justice.

3. Throne Room
The seat of Queen Hippolyta's power.

4. Transformation Island
The far side of Themyscira, an Isle devoted to reforming lost souls to loving submission.

5.) The Mystical Areas
The enchanted forest. The whirlpool Charybdis, the Harpies' Aerie, and the Lair of Medusa are all on display, and ready for a selfie.

6.) Doom's Doorway
The entrance to Pandora's Box, dare you open it.

7.) The Grove
The spas, saunas and natural hot springs is a great way to relax.

8.) The Mall
Any shopping or gift buying is done here at 72 different and exotic shops.

9.) Science Isle
The Amazon's medical arts are practiced here to heal the sick of the body or mind.

10.) Royal Tribute
A monument to Princess Diana, honoring her commitment to duty to Man's World.